There are many tools people use such as crystals or protective jewelry. Some people burn sage for smudging to clear a room, or spread salt around the space.
But what I want to talk about today is about techniques you can use when you do not have anything on hand, something you can do to protect yourself energetically and also cleanse yourself if you have done an energy healing.
The first technique is a visualization of a light shield in form of a bubble. This bubble can protect you against psychic attacks and against humans that subconsciously may try to leach from others (energy vampires).
Imagine a cylinder/vortex of bright light surrounding your physical body. Imagine a cylinder/vortex of light surrounding your energetic body (expanded). This light fully envelopes you top to bottom. You may enforce this energetic light shield through your intentions and prayers to keep out all negativity. Use affirmations such as: “May only positive energy, thoughts, love and compassion pass this boundary. No one may tap into your energy unless I give permission to do so.”
The source where the light comes from can either be from above (heaven, cosmos, universe, the Divine/Spirit/God) or from the earth, or from above and below.
The color choices of the light
I want to add a section about the choice of color you may visualize your light as. There are some colors that are most frequently used for protective light energy: gold, white and blue. I am quoting a section of David Furlong’s article on colors and their meaning. You can experiment with either one and use the color working best for you (British spelling):
White symbolises purity and vitality. It reflects all colours and therefore has the effect of reflecting back whatever is sent at it. It can be very helpful where energies are being projected onto others. Its mirroring quality allows others to begin to see the effects of their thoughts and actions upon us. It is a good colour to use in normal day-to-day circumstances and is often the colour suggested for protection in books. However, there are some who find its energies too agitating and therefore do not get on well with using it.
Sky-blue is sometimes referred to as Madonna blue and carries a soothing, passive energy that neutralises and harmonises what is projected onto it. Its link with the divine feminine archetype and the quality of spiritual love gives it wide appeal. It will tend to transform and diffuse energies in a non-intrusive way. It is the natural colour for those whose approach to life is more passive and gentle. However, some individuals feel that it carries a claustrophobic quality that smothers their vitality. This may be caused by difficult associations with one's mother.
These colour associations have been established over a long period of time by those who have meditated upon and used colour symbolism in their religious practices. These three colours are the primary protectors in the spectrum but other hues can be used, including pink and violet. These have different flavours of energy, which might attract you. The way to find out is by experimentation and noting down what you feel or sense about these qualities.”
Resource: http://www.kch42.dial.pipex.com/psiprotect.htm retrieved 3/6/12
Some people may use an energetic reflective mirror shield as protection.
Last but not least, you may choose to call on your spirit guides, angels or the Divine/Spirit/God to assist and protect you against psychic/energetic attacks if that fits into your believe system. They gladly will help.
Energetic cleansing
Just as you feel cleansed and refreshed after a shower or bath, you may also use certain techniques to cleanse your energy field. Believe it or not, sometimes a water cleanse does it too.
I like to burn white sage for smudging myself all over with the smoke of the sage. It is a Native American practice.
I feel I need to emphasize the need of staying hydrated and the best way to do that in this case is with clear water or some herbal tea.
During my reiki training, I learned energy brush technique. It is a simple technique where you brush down with your hands first one arm then the other, then cross-wise over the torso and if you like down your legs. You can imagine like you are brushing off energetic dust with your hands. You can do this for your friends and family as well.
Never underestimate the cleansing power of breath, prana! You can breathe into energy blockages and loosen them up as you breathe out. You can visualize breathing in clear brilliant air and let it circulate through your being. As you breathe out, you may visualize it as a dark cloud, that washed out all the negative energy particles. Do this repeatedly until the outbreath is clear.
Never underestimate the cleansing power of breath, prana! You can breathe into energy blockages and loosen them up as you breathe out. You can visualize breathing in clear brilliant air and let it circulate through your being. As you breathe out, you may visualize it as a dark cloud, that washed out all the negative energy particles. Do this repeatedly until the outbreath is clear.
Cutting energy drains
I mentioned above that there are humans out there that subconsciously leach off other people’s energy and this can make you feel really drained. Some call them energy vampires. Some may do it consciously. Respected author and shaman Ted Andrews notes in his book Psychic Protection that we are vulnerable to energy drains through our auras, the energy field that surrounds our bodies. Andrews explains that we’re “constantly giving off energy (electrical) and absorbing energy (magnetic). Every time we come in contact with another person there is an exchange of energy.” Andrews is the opinion psychic vampires have an abundance of magnetic energy - which is why they draw energy away from others.
The first step to is to acknowledge the situation and decide to do something about it. According to Andrews, an easy way to close off your energy circuit, thus preventing energy drains, is to “link the index finger with the thumb on each hand…then cross your feet at the ankle.”
Another visualization technique a friend taught me is visualizing cutting the energy draining cords. The energy drain cords usually attach around the energy center of the Hara, which is just about in your navel area.
You take your left arm, visualize scooping the invisible energy conductor cords up. With your right hand visualize a sword, with which you will cut and detach those energetic drainage lines. You can also visualize Archangel Michael cutting them for you. After they are cut, you may put your hands over the areas they attached to and heal the energy “holes” that way. You cut the cords with the intention that you will not allow them to reattach and drain you. If necessary, repeat this exercise.
Last but not least if you feel threatened by a negative entity, energy or ghost, here is what I use and learned from my good friend Mama Indigo, say: I AM LOVE AND LIGHT! I AM ONE TOO STRONG TO FIGHT! Now, shoo. (and say it while smiling and laughing).
I may add and edit techniques as I learn more. I hope you find something in this blog that is useful for you and your situation.
Some very interesting thoughts here, which have got me thinking. The first thing that comes to mind is that the more sensitive a person is, the more likely he or she is to need such a defense against intrusions. And why is that?
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that it comes down to a need to clearly differentiate between 'me-ness' as opposed to 'other-ness'. This is 'me', that bit out there, that is the other. To what may we compare this? Perhaps to the demarcation between self and non-self on the physical level. We have antibodies that defend us against the 'non-self' on the cellular level. Why is there a need for this? Very simple; on the cellular level it can be very difficult for us to tell the difference between 'me' and 'not-me'! The macroscopic 'me' is not at home in the cellular reality on which our life is based.
And on the spiritual level? The more sensitive a person is, the more difficult it can be to tell the difference between 'me' and 'not-me'. At the root of the soul, we merge into one soul. Only in the embodied state (and to some extent in the immediately adjacent realities) do we diverge into individuation. The more 'embodied' we are, the more clear-cut the demarcation between 'me' and 'not-me'.
This demarcation is essential to our existence as embodied souls. Thus the need for exercises and visualizations such as those described here. The less sensitive -- that is, the less aware of the unity of souls beyond the body -- we are, the less we need these demarcations of self. However, the more we are aware of the unity at the root of all being, the more difficult it can be to see ourselves as individuals, and the greater the need to fight for individuation.
I think you are right to some degree. But when you are an energy worker and believe in the oneness of all, we go outside of the "me" to connect with others. The problem that comes out of that is what you say, it is hard to differentiate what is not me and comes from the other. The trick as an energy worker then is to be a vessel with protective walls, or a microscope that sees what is going on but does not become part of what it is seeing. In those cases those protection techniques are essential.
ReplyDeleteYes as an energy worker you understand and have a feeling for the oneness of humanity. This oneness doesn't make sense to have me and the other person as separate. The protection techniques are essential when one awakes to the idea that yes we are one, but also vibrating at different energy levels as well. So the protection is important, but to know why it is at a deeper level is key.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure coming again to construe these articles and blogs
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what you mean with construing these articles.
Feel likes fresh air...