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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dance as Spiritual Practice - Moving & Connecting Energy

There are many ways to practice sensing energy or to meditate in motion. One of my favorite movement practice is dance, and the form of dance I prefer is actually called soul motion.

Dance as a form of spiritual devotion, meditation or to evoke ecstasy has been practice in many ancient cultures and still is in many indigenous tribes. Even in Europe, the farmers used to dance to connect with the energy of mother earth in the spring, by stomping the ground, to wake it up and make it fertile.

The dance I do with a local community is not choreographed, in dance terms, you could say it is improvised. It is not a performance, more of a ritual, for the self, and sometimes with others. You listen to how your body wants to move, just let it move however it wants to, to release potential energy blocks, thoughts or emotions. Listen to the soul how it wants to move you. Dance like no one is watching. It is not a performance, it is for ourselves.

Quieting my mind, I often just start by laying on the floor and following my breath. Then I start sensing the floor under my body, feeling the gravity of the earth embracing me. I start playing with that energy by rolling around on the floor, stretching or curling up, just connecting with the ground and my body, my muscles everything I can sense at that moment.

The music playing in the background at this point does not matter much to me, it is there to give me some guidance but the dance is my own, I am dancing intimate, centering, connecting with myself, grounding, before I take off.

The music for those kind of dances is usually inspirational in nature, soft at the beginning, getting wild at times, and then again time to recenter. A variety from New Age to, pop, to classic and.  so on. The lyrics are often inspiring and thought and intuition provoking. Sometimes the person leading the workshop (sometimes there is just  a DJ playing the music) will also give some guiding ideas as to what to do next, inspirational suggestions. Such as, connecting with what is behind us and in front of us, the past and the future, and with above and below through our dance movements.I love to do that by spiraling my arms around my body, moving my energy in the present from the past into the future.

Once I start moving, it is fun to experiment with movement to the music, not following the melody beat by beat, but skip a beat or two or more, move slower, change the rhythm within the music, variety, and see what the body, your energy does with that, how it shifts. I sometimes watch with a soft gaze the movement of my hands and depending on the light, I can see the energy moving around my arms and hands, it is the most amazing experience. And when I widen my consciousness to see others, I can see their energies move as well.

Aside from dancing intimate, eventually, I usually dance with another person. The dance of two flows into each other, that is the sign for an agreement to dance"in union". This is an interesting energy experience, as two heart fields merge and start to move with each other in synchronicity. It is hard to describe other than it flows and moves in waves. You may get inspired by the dance of the other, yet you remain true to your own dance, not drowning your own truth by copying another.

Eventually, there comes a time to detach and move on to another, or, to the self. This I learned to be such a valuable lesson for life, to let go and move on, not worrying about the other person but see it as the natural flow of life.

The most insightful part of this dance for me is always the pause, where I stop moving as I feel I got lost in my thoughts, and I recenter and reconnect with myself and the Divine.

We also dance as a group in community. The interesting part here is the sense of the energy of many as you expand yours but at the same time you can move away and contract your energy field to dance intimate again whenever you feel that is the right thing to do for you. Yes, it is like a wave.

Once the dance workshop or class is over, I bring the inspiration I gathered from my movement into my every day life. I found this joyful video of someone dance walking through the City. Try it! I sometimes do now! Follow the link. Dancing in nature is a wonderful experience, for example using a tree for balance as you dance around it or exploring the texture of a huge rock with your whole body.

I want to end the entry with a quote of how one of my soul motion teachers, Suza Enlger, describes the practice I do:

"Soul Motion, designed by Vinn Martí, is a practice of paying attention and waking up, together, to the physical reality of a body in motion, and the spiritual reality of the Presence that moves us. It’s a dance at the crossroads of the vertical drop into self and the horizontal extension toward another. There are no steps to follow, just the whimsical path of endless self discovery – down from the mind’s conversations of past and future into the raw, messy & miraculous event of this body sweating, tensing, opening, living and dying: now. Soul Motion offers a key to spontaneous expression, a ticket to the Mystery, and release into freedom."
~Zuza Engler, Certified Soul Motion Teacher

Monday, October 22, 2012

Why I call myself a soul midwife

Look, as our souls are dancing when I help in transitions

During the time I was a hospice volunteer, and even before, I researched a term that would best fit what I did as it was more than just being a loving presence for souls that were transitioning from life to death.

The term soul midwife describes people who are helping the dying to transition in peace, in a very holistic way, and sometimes this goes beyond the three dimensional into the spiritual dimension where we guide the souls into the light and provide comfort. I have done that while I gave reiki energy healing to the dying and I often visualized myself being with their souls at either the gate to light or at a bridge. There is a wonderful website that describes what soul midwives do in the UK.

I also have had spirits or souls come to me and looking for guidance where to go and I do the same, listen and show them the way, yet at the same time making sure to protect myself energetically and to send them away if I felt threatened. Sometimes the person who helps the departed to transition is also referred to as psychopomp, this word originates from Greek, someone who accompanies the dead into the afterlife. I also have found myself in situations where people came to me with some past life trauma or memories that they needed to resolve in order to grow. I used my intuition, listened mindfully (without, as best as I could, getting my personal story involved), asked questions and made comments that helped them recover what needed to heal.

I can mostly identify with the word soul midwife, I like the ring of it, but my role has shifted, yet I would still say what I am doing is soul midwifery work as I am helping souls in transition, this time from the third dimension into the fourth and possibly fifth. I am helping souls to be born into a new consciousness, which sometimes can be very painful and disorienting. I listen, use my intuition and energy healing. With divine guidance, I say what I sense and pass it on.

Sometimes I find myself peeking behind closed doors of a soul which scares the person as I recovered a long hidden key and was able to unlock it. Often it is something that needed to be unlocked in order for the person to heal, and the individual feels better as the resistance melts away, while I am offering a safe compassionate space for them. Other times, the individual may not be ready, get scared and turn away. That is fine too. I have learned to accept that some are not ready to deal with my reading  and trying to help birthing the new consciousness of their souls.

I am not a guru who is looking for followers and I am still learning, sometimes making mistakes. I am humbled by this gift and grateful for being able to share it with others and help. I am helping find people the light and power within themselves, I am just a sign post on their path, giving guidance.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Energy of Places

I wanted for a long time to write a blog entry on this subject. It does tie into some previous posts about grounding and how to raise your vibrations.

 The Energy Grid

You can find a lot of information about the energy in the earth. There is an energy grid within the earth that consists of ley lines. Like a spiderweb, it spans around the earth. The ley lines may be compared to the nervous system or circulatory system we have in the body. I believe that at certain points where major ley lines meet, the energy is concentrated. I also believe that we can use this grid to network energetically with others.

Energy Vortexes and Sacred Sites

I have made the experience that all over the world, there are certain spots that you just sense the energy is stronger than in other places. Especially those who are empaths or pick up on energies easily can sense this. There are places out in nature and often close to so called sacred sites where you can feel the vibration of the earth. Those sacred sites were consciously built in those locations as the ancient people knew and felt the powerful energy of the spots. Those spots are energy vortexes or cross points within the earth's energy grid. When you meditate close to any of these energy vortexes, you can feel a change, either atmospherically or within your own vibration. In my experience, they function as portals where it seems easier to access divine guidance or even other dimensions.

There are three types of energy vortexes:
Electric: stimulates, activates and energizes
Magnetic: attracts energy to the area
Electromagnetic: both activates and attracts energy

Let me give you three examples of my experience. The town I grew up in, Heidelberg, is located along a river valley. There are two main mountains on each side of the river, one called Heiligenberg, (sacred mountain) and the other Koenigsstuhl (King's Thrown). Each of these mountains has some distinct features throughout history that display that they contain some male or female energy. Can you guess which one is which?

Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany
Koenigsstuhl has the male energy, and when I went for a hike on it, I felt the energy within me going upward, there was a flush feeling, but not as strong as on the other mountain. I would say it was probably mostly electrical. And, this mountain has some very male institutions and buildings on it, a molecular biology laboratory, the Max Planck Institute for astronomy, a large radio tower (phallic symbol) on top and a castle at the foot of the mountain. 

 Heiligenberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Heidenloch, the hole going very deep into Heiligenberg, probably going back to the Celts.
Heiligenberg, one of my favorite spots, has a hole (Heidenloch) going deep down into the center of the mountain, it is now covered by a fountain wall and pretty much fenced in so people don't throw stuff into it. Researchers have never figured out what the purpose of the hole was. Some historians believe it goes back to the Celtic era. There are a lot of myths around this hole. There are also two monastery ruins from the middle ages as well as an amphitheater built by the Nazis. I feel those people including the Nazis built those buildings to maybe use the energy there to their advantage. The amphitheater's energy is not bad anymore, as it is now used for wonderful open air concerts and other events. When I am on the mountain, especially close to one of the monasteries, I can feel the energy strongly, I feel connected, sometimes even vibrate. A lot of medicinal herbs are growing around the ruins. I have seen the spirits of the mountain in my mind's eye and they have touched me as well. I would say the energy there is electromagnetic, the movement of the energy is mostly downward. It feels to me this place connects the divine energy with the earth energy. I have participated in a summer solstice ritual there once walking a candle lit labyrinth, the combination of the human energy we gave to the space with what was already there was amazing. Just thinking of those locations energizes me.

The third spot is closer to where I live now and spreads over a wider area, close to Lincoln, Vermont and the Lincoln Gap. When I drive towards the area, there is a point on the road where it feels I am going through a gate, the energy shift can be felt that strongly. I have had some major energy experiences there, lying on a field feeling butterflies in my belly and others. There is a beautiful place called Sunray which is dear to my heart, it combines a place for Buddhist and Native American teachings, has an arbor with a fire place and a walking labyrinth. This place combines the peaceful energies of Native American/Buddhist people sharing ancient wisdom with the energy vortex of the hills. Once a year, there is an Elders Gathering hosted where Elders from tribes all over the world share their wisdom. Again, this place always leaves me energized.

Places of Negative Energy - Human Energy Imprints

There are also places that contain negative energy and most of those I would say are due to the emotional imprint of people who have been there throughout history, places where traumatic events and suffering happened. I am using as an extreme example the battlefield by Gettysburg or the concentration camps in Europe (holocaust). You can still sense some of the suffering of what people have gone through there. I only need to see it on a screen and I can feel the energy. The location keeps the energy but it is not from the earth, it is stored emotional energy. It helps when people do peaceful rituals to honor those who have suffered. I have friends who have done that. If you experience such a location, you can counter your negative energy by sending those who have suffered light, love and peace.  Also give your loving energy to that place, the ground itself.

There are a few places that where the earth may have been environmentally polluted, there you may feel a lack of energy.

You may experience this stored emotional imprint of energy often in buildings. For example, if you move into a new house, you may still sense the energies of the people who lived there before you (does not always have to be bad). Sometimes traumatic events usually leave a stronger and bad imprint. It may come from the land the building is on and its history that you pick up on. So it is worthwhile doing some house cleansing before you move in (see my earlier blog on how to).

Earth Chakras


The earth has just as the human body chakra centers at certain locations, one on each continent: Here is a list: 
1st (Root) chakra - Mt. Shasta, California

 2nd chakra (Sacral) - Lake Titicaca, South America

3rd chakra (Solar Plexus)- Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia

4th chakra (Heart) - Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England
5th chakra (Throat) - Great Pyramid-Mt. of Olives

6th chakra (Third Eye) - Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran

7th chakra (Crown) - Mt. Kailas, Tibet.

Rituals to honor and heal the Energy of the Earth

I cannot finish this rather long blog entry with saying a few words how we as humans can work with the earth to heal it. We all know that humanity has abused the resources offered from the earth. The earth is suffering and we can see that with incline of natural catastrophes around the globe. Other than living an environmentally friendly life (you can research how to improve your carbon print for example and definitely reduce the amount of trash, recycle and drive less), you can also energize the earth through various small gestures, meditation, sending healing. Small rituals.

Here are some ideas:
  • Farmers used to literally stomp the earth to wake it up in ancient times. You can say they gave the earth a massage before they planted the crob. Other cultures use dances. This can be real fun. Be aware as you move across the ground as your feet touch and tap. I walked a candlelight labyrinth on Heiligenberg during the summer solstice in 2011. That was magical.
  • Build your own sacred site somewhere out in nature where you feel the energy is strong. Make it the spot where you meditate and connect with the earth and nature, sending healing.
  • Make a vision board with one or more earth chakras and meditate on them to send energy, envision yourself visiting those places and fill them with light.
  • Use a visualization to travel into the center of the earth, bring the earth crystals and flowers and heal it then and there.
  • If you visit a sacred site, leave a small gift from you. It can be a rock with your energy, cornmeal, even a strain of your hair as thank you. 
  • Now get off the computer and go outside and play in nature!! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Human Energy Fields and Chakras - a quick basic reference

Human Energy Fields and Centers
Everything is energy. We are energy. For healers who do energy healings it is helpful to have a basic idea of the different energy systems taught and used around the world. I have found that these have helped me to understand what I am feeling during energy healings in people and what it could mean. Is the draw of energy I feel caused by a physical problem? It could be mental or emotional. You sense it in their energy fields.
Here are some basics on human energy systems which you might find helpful when  you are doing energy healing, trained or just intuitively. I am speaking from my own experience what helped me most. Use this as a reference to go back to as you need. You can read some or all of it.
Energy Fields of the Human Body - Different traditions and views
Our Aura and its seven Layers
I am not going into detail on those subjects as this would make the blog never ending. Therefore I am providing links for further research if you are interested.
Our body is surrounded by seven energy fields or layers:

1.     First layer, the Etheric Body:  closest to the body and related to the root chakra (connection to the physical world, safety).  Illnesses can be seen in this energy field, it is closely related to our immune system. Easiest to see, usually milky white or cloudy gray. It protects against the outside world. Can be seen pull in our pulsing out depending on whether or not the person is receptive or not.

2.       Second layer, the Emotional Body:  related to our emotions and feelings for ourselves and others and our boundaries. Includes emotions from past incarnations that are still influencing the present. May resemble a light show of colors, depending on what the person feels.

3.       Third Layer, Mental Body: related to your basic beliefs, understanding and intellect, thoughts and ideas. Mostly visible around the head and shoulders as a yellow glow. Connects with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Because your thoughts will no longer be hidden from those evolved, it is especially important to visualize a protective strong barrier of white light around this layer. And, be cautious to not “steal” someone else’s thoughts and ideas!

4.       Fourth Layer, Astral Body: This layer divides and at the same time coordinates the energy flow between the physical layers and the higher layers. Layer of love and relationships, with yourself, others and the physical body. Connects directly to the heart chakra. Through this layer the physical body connects with higher dimensions. Doorway to the astral plane.

5.       Fifth Layer, Etheric Template; Conceptual Body or Individual Soul Level: spiritual part created of us at conception; part of the DNA of that unique individual, our “blue print”. Basic template of our uniqueness and individuality. Connected to our throat chakra.

6.       Sixth Layer, the Celestial Light Body or Oversoul Level: emotional level on the spiritual plane. Level of Group consciousness. Communication with other beings on this level.

7.       The Soul/Spiritual Plane: The Divine/God within us. The mental body on the spiritual level, our spiritual template. This part never dies, makes us one with Spirit. Access to universal knowledge, memory of all past existences both physical and spiritual.

Resources: Barbara Brennan. Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (1988)

The Chakra System
Chakras are energy centers along the midline of the body that usually correspond with major organs or glands that govern other body parts. The concept has its origin in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. You can say those energy spirals/centers are a body mind interface, portals where the universal life force energy interfaces with the life force energy within our body. Sometimes dysfunction of one of the chakras can be felt physically, mentally or emotionally. Often people may not be aware that there is an energetic imbalance, it may not have manifested yet as “sensation”. An energy healer then can prevent the manifestation if it is caught in time.

Chakras are ideally balanced but can be blocked or too open as well. When a chakra is balanced and open, it maintains equilibrium, and spins at a correct vibrational speed. When a chakra is too open, it spins too fast. When it is blocked it spins slugglishly or not at all.

How can you figure out if a chakra is balanced, blocked or too open?

There are several ways you can find out whether a chakra center is blocked, too open or balanced.
If you are trying to figure it out on yourself, you can do so through meditation by bringing your attention to each of the chakra centers, holding your hand over each for a couple of minutes, one after the other, and just sense it. How does it feel? Open? Close? Any discomfort? Thoughts?

If you are sensing the chakra centers of other people, you can use your hands hovering over the center points, and see what you feel. Or, use a pendulum to see if and how the chakra is spinning. I have learned that if the pendulum swings clockwise, the chakra is open. If it spins counterclockwise or sluggish or not at all, there is a problem. Use your intuition.
Here are the basic
The 1st Chakra (Root) governs Physical Needs and Security 

  • Corresponding Color: Red
  • Element: Earth
  • Located: base of spine
  • Glandular connection: adrenals
  • Associated body parts: bones, skeletal structure
  • Too open: bullying, overly materialistic, self-centered, engages in physical foolhardiness.
  • Blocked: emotionally needy, low self-esteem, self-destructive behavior, fearful
  • Balanced: demonstrates self mastery, high physical energy, grounded, healthy
  •  Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: cedarwood, patchouli, lavender 
  •   Crystals: blood stone, tiger eye, garnet, ruby, onyx.
  • Foods: proteins, meat
  • Affirmations: I am connected to Mother Earth and feel the security of being grounded in the moment. I deserve the best life has to offer, all my needs are being met. My body is important to me and I nurture it constantly.
·         The 2nd Chakra (Sacral) governs Sexuality, Emotions, and Desires 

  • Corresponding Color: orange
  • Located: lower abdomen
  • Element: water 
  •  Glandular connection: ovaries, testes
  • Associated body parts: sex organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb
  • Too open: emotionally unbalanced, a fantasist, manipulative, sexually addictive
  • Blocked: overly sensitive, feels guilty for no reason, frigid or impotent
  • Balanced: trusting, expressive, attuned, creative
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood
  • Crystals: citrine, carnelian
  • Foods: sweet fruits
  • Affirmations: I trust that all is well. Creativity is flowing freely through me.  
The 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) governs Power 

  • Corresponding Color: yellow
  • Element: fire
  • Located: between navel and base of sternum
  • Glandular connection: pancreas, adrenals
  • Associated body parts: digestive system, muscles
  • Too open: angry, controlling, judgmental, superior
  • Blocked: insecure, fearful of being alone, worrier, overly concerned about what others think
  • Balanced: has personal power, respects self and others, spontaneous
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: bergamot, cinnamon, ylang ylang
  • Crystals: yellow citrine, golden/yellow calcite
  • Foods: complex carbohydrates (starches, use whole foods), yellow foods
  • Affirmations: I own my personal power. I accept myself exactly for who I am.

The 4th Chakra (Heart) governs Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion 

  • Corresponding Color: green
  • Located: center of chest
  • Element: air
  • Glandular connection: thymus
  • Associated body parts: heart, chest, lungs, circulation
  • Too open: possessive, loves conditionally, overly dramatic
  • Blocked: fears rejection, loves too much, feels unworthy to receive love, self-pitying
  • Balanced: compassionate, loves unconditionally
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: rose, bergamot, melissa
  • Crystals: aventurine, watermelon tourmaline, Jade
  • Foods: green vegetables
  • Affirmations: I am lovable. I love unconditionally. I love myself for who I am. Other people deserve my compassion.
The 5th Chakra (Throat) governs Communication

  • Corresponding Color: blue
  • Located: centrally at the base of the neck
  • Element: ether
  • Glandular connection: thyroid, parathyroid
  • Associated body parts: throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, neck
  • Too open: over-talkative, arrogant, dogmatic, self rightuous
  • Blocked: holds back from self expression, unreliable, holds inconsistent views
  • Balanced: good communicator, contented, finds it easy to meditate
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: chamomile, myrrh
  • Crystals: lapis lazuli, sodalite, turquoise
  • Foods: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
  • Affirmations: I am speaking my truth. What I say is worthy of being listened to. I listen to and acknowledge the needs and wants of others. 

The 6th Chakra (Third Eye) governs Intuition and Reasoning 

  • Corresponding Color: indigo
  • Located: above and between eyebrows
  • Element: light, telepathic energy
  • Glandular connection: pituitary gland
  • Associated body parts: eyes, base of skull
  • Too open: highly logical dogmatic, authoritarian, arrogant
  • Blocked: fearful of success, tendency towards schizophrenia, sets sights too low
  • Balanced: charismatic, highly intuitive, not attached to material things, may experience unusual phenomena
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: hyacinth, violet, rose geranium, patchouli
  • Crystals: amesthyst, purple apatite, sapphire
  • Foods: none
  • Affirmations: The answers to all my questions lie within me. Imagination sparks my creativity. I trust my intuition.

The 7th Chakra (Crown) governs Spirituality and Understanding

  • Corresponding Color: violet, gold, white
  • Located: top of head
  • Element: thought, cosmic energy
  • Glandular connection: pineal gland
  • Associated body parts: upper skull, cerebral cortex, skin
  • Too open: psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated, sense of unrealized power
  • Blocked: constantly exhausted, cannot make decisions, no sense of “belonging”
  • Balanced: magnetic personality, achieves “miracles” in life, transcendent, at peace with self
  • Incense/aromatherapy essential oils: lavender, frankincense, rosewood
  • Crystals: clear quartz, white jade, diamond
  • Foods: none
  • Affirmations: I am who I am and glory in that. I attune with my higher power. I am a unique, loving, radiant being.
I chose to take this information from a book resource. It reflects only a fraction of the information that is in the book, as it gives advice on how to heal each and every chakra as well, with tools such as altars and exercises. I want to give credits to this book. There are many resources about chakras to be found online but this information of this book resonated most with me and what I have experienced as an energy healer:
Liz Simpson: The Book of Chakra Healing. Sterling Publishing, 1999.

Courtesy of Chakra Vibes

One of my favorite all chakra visualizations I learned is the rainbow slide: You visualize the colors of the different chakras as you go down the long fun slide. The slide has those waves/bumps you go down on that slow you down as you go over the chakra colors.

Minor Chakras

There are also some minor chakras. As energy healers we feel them strongly at times, especially the ones at the palms of the hands and the feet. Here is an image of locations:


Meridian System
According to traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and acupressure,  the meridian system consists of channels that transport the life force energy  qi throughout the body.  This is what keeps us alive. There are a total of twelve channels, each associated with an element. Along those channels are acupuncture points where the energy is more accessible. Each point has a certain function in relation to the organ/element system. For more information, please look here:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Raising your Vibrations – Some Basics

Keeping our personal vibrations high is so important as it definitely influences the Universal Consciousness. So let’s see if I can help you with maintaining your vibrations.
We all know the feeling and sensation of low vibration. Feelings and thoughts determine the level of our vibrations to a greater degree than we realize. Our energy is low when we are feeling depressed, down, worried or angry or some physical symptoms. Negative thinking outweighs positive thinking. Negativity adds weight to our thoughts and emotions, making them heavier making us feel bogged down. Raising our vibrations makes the thoughts and emotions lighter. The story-telling mind does not have to weigh us down. We can act on training the mind to think more positively and do use some of the tools below to raise our vibrations again.

First we need to understand that we all have our own frequencies that vibrate from the center of our being, our own life force energy, our inner fire, our soul power station, if you will. Every cell in our body produces energy. The frequency we emit, that others may detect (animals and kids are really good at that) changes from moment to moment, through our thoughts and feelings. Today I had the idea that our energy frequency is moving on a scale, between fear/worry on one end and love at the other. Let’s start with fear- many emotions such as anger, greed, jealousy, hate are based on fear. The more we can move away from fear and move towards love and trust, the easier it is to raise vibrations and be more positive in life. Moving towards love starts with loving yourself. Be kind to yourself, let go of self-judgment, realize when those judging thoughts do come up and gently let them go. Acknowledge you are experiencing the dark night of the soul, now you can act to get yourself out of it, see the light again.

Here is a thing I realized about worry. We worry a lot about things in the future. But we can influence certain outcomes now. In fact, now is the only moment we can do something. So rather than being frozen in the moment out of worry, act now to move towards to the wanted goal. In some situations, we do not have control over the outcome, such as medical test results. To worry is a waste of energy, because at the time before we get the results, there are still two possible outcomes, two possible realities, one good and one bad. So why waste energy on focusing on the bad? As Brett Dennen suggests in his song: “Darlin’,do not fear what you don’t reallyknow.” I realized that many times when I was waiting for medical test results. This song helped me to pull through the waiting period with patience.

So, if you got stuck in a moment, in a hole, I can give you a hand to get out, but you still have to make the effort to reach for it and pull yourself out of it. Here are some tools you may use.

  • Visualize your inner light, that ever burning flame expanding and getting bigger and brighter again, filling your body with radiance and light. You can tap into the Universal Life Force energy available all around you, to fuel your inner flame. You visualize that a white column of light enters through your crown chakra on top of your head. The light filling your body through and through.
  • Tune into higher vibration from inside of yourself (Baker’s Quote). Here is how I do that: Sense the light, the vibration and frequency within you and now focus on increasing the frequency. It sometimes helps to visualize it as a ball of light and energy, getting bigger and bigger.
  • Visualize breathing in light, breathing out a dark cloud (that is all the negativity, a cleansing breath)
  • Vitality breath: Standing with your legs hip-width apart. You will inhale in a three-part breath, deepening the breath with each inhale, while moving your arms. During the first short inhale through your nostrils, you raise your arms shoulder-level in front of you, second breath (adding air to the first inhale) arms fly out to the side, opened wide. With the third inhale, you raise your arms over head. Now swing your arms down as you bend over and exhale all that breath forcefully through your mouth. Repeat about five times, feels cleansing and vitalizing.
  •  Go for a walk in nature, sit outside under a tree and listen to the birds and the win
  • Look into the stars and the moon at night
  • Meditate
  • Laugh out loud. Watch something funny on tv or the internet or read something funny.
  • Use affirmations. Imagine, sense and feel the words manifest within your body. Here are some good examples: “My vibrations are high and balanced.” “I am radiant.” “Potential grows into reality with patience and care.” “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.” Come up with your own, do not only think and say the words, feel and believe them to be true.
  • Dance like no one is watching
  •  Listen to your favorite musi
  • Sing in the car, during your walk or shower or while doing chores – that helps to clear the throat chakra and suppressed words and feelings.
  • Play like a kid
  •  Create art – draw, paint, sculpt, write, whatever.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Be grateful for what you do have. Do the gratitude dance (suggestion of my friend Sheena)
Try to not depend too much on outside circumstances and people to make you feel better and raise your vibration, but trust that the source of lighting your inner flame lies within you. Come on, blessed one, light your inner fire, I promise you it will take you higher!