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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Energy of Places

I wanted for a long time to write a blog entry on this subject. It does tie into some previous posts about grounding and how to raise your vibrations.

 The Energy Grid

You can find a lot of information about the energy in the earth. There is an energy grid within the earth that consists of ley lines. Like a spiderweb, it spans around the earth. The ley lines may be compared to the nervous system or circulatory system we have in the body. I believe that at certain points where major ley lines meet, the energy is concentrated. I also believe that we can use this grid to network energetically with others.

Energy Vortexes and Sacred Sites

I have made the experience that all over the world, there are certain spots that you just sense the energy is stronger than in other places. Especially those who are empaths or pick up on energies easily can sense this. There are places out in nature and often close to so called sacred sites where you can feel the vibration of the earth. Those sacred sites were consciously built in those locations as the ancient people knew and felt the powerful energy of the spots. Those spots are energy vortexes or cross points within the earth's energy grid. When you meditate close to any of these energy vortexes, you can feel a change, either atmospherically or within your own vibration. In my experience, they function as portals where it seems easier to access divine guidance or even other dimensions.

There are three types of energy vortexes:
Electric: stimulates, activates and energizes
Magnetic: attracts energy to the area
Electromagnetic: both activates and attracts energy

Let me give you three examples of my experience. The town I grew up in, Heidelberg, is located along a river valley. There are two main mountains on each side of the river, one called Heiligenberg, (sacred mountain) and the other Koenigsstuhl (King's Thrown). Each of these mountains has some distinct features throughout history that display that they contain some male or female energy. Can you guess which one is which?

Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany
Koenigsstuhl has the male energy, and when I went for a hike on it, I felt the energy within me going upward, there was a flush feeling, but not as strong as on the other mountain. I would say it was probably mostly electrical. And, this mountain has some very male institutions and buildings on it, a molecular biology laboratory, the Max Planck Institute for astronomy, a large radio tower (phallic symbol) on top and a castle at the foot of the mountain. 

 Heiligenberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Heidenloch, the hole going very deep into Heiligenberg, probably going back to the Celts.
Heiligenberg, one of my favorite spots, has a hole (Heidenloch) going deep down into the center of the mountain, it is now covered by a fountain wall and pretty much fenced in so people don't throw stuff into it. Researchers have never figured out what the purpose of the hole was. Some historians believe it goes back to the Celtic era. There are a lot of myths around this hole. There are also two monastery ruins from the middle ages as well as an amphitheater built by the Nazis. I feel those people including the Nazis built those buildings to maybe use the energy there to their advantage. The amphitheater's energy is not bad anymore, as it is now used for wonderful open air concerts and other events. When I am on the mountain, especially close to one of the monasteries, I can feel the energy strongly, I feel connected, sometimes even vibrate. A lot of medicinal herbs are growing around the ruins. I have seen the spirits of the mountain in my mind's eye and they have touched me as well. I would say the energy there is electromagnetic, the movement of the energy is mostly downward. It feels to me this place connects the divine energy with the earth energy. I have participated in a summer solstice ritual there once walking a candle lit labyrinth, the combination of the human energy we gave to the space with what was already there was amazing. Just thinking of those locations energizes me.

The third spot is closer to where I live now and spreads over a wider area, close to Lincoln, Vermont and the Lincoln Gap. When I drive towards the area, there is a point on the road where it feels I am going through a gate, the energy shift can be felt that strongly. I have had some major energy experiences there, lying on a field feeling butterflies in my belly and others. There is a beautiful place called Sunray which is dear to my heart, it combines a place for Buddhist and Native American teachings, has an arbor with a fire place and a walking labyrinth. This place combines the peaceful energies of Native American/Buddhist people sharing ancient wisdom with the energy vortex of the hills. Once a year, there is an Elders Gathering hosted where Elders from tribes all over the world share their wisdom. Again, this place always leaves me energized.

Places of Negative Energy - Human Energy Imprints

There are also places that contain negative energy and most of those I would say are due to the emotional imprint of people who have been there throughout history, places where traumatic events and suffering happened. I am using as an extreme example the battlefield by Gettysburg or the concentration camps in Europe (holocaust). You can still sense some of the suffering of what people have gone through there. I only need to see it on a screen and I can feel the energy. The location keeps the energy but it is not from the earth, it is stored emotional energy. It helps when people do peaceful rituals to honor those who have suffered. I have friends who have done that. If you experience such a location, you can counter your negative energy by sending those who have suffered light, love and peace.  Also give your loving energy to that place, the ground itself.

There are a few places that where the earth may have been environmentally polluted, there you may feel a lack of energy.

You may experience this stored emotional imprint of energy often in buildings. For example, if you move into a new house, you may still sense the energies of the people who lived there before you (does not always have to be bad). Sometimes traumatic events usually leave a stronger and bad imprint. It may come from the land the building is on and its history that you pick up on. So it is worthwhile doing some house cleansing before you move in (see my earlier blog on how to).

Earth Chakras


The earth has just as the human body chakra centers at certain locations, one on each continent: Here is a list: 
1st (Root) chakra - Mt. Shasta, California

 2nd chakra (Sacral) - Lake Titicaca, South America

3rd chakra (Solar Plexus)- Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia

4th chakra (Heart) - Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England
5th chakra (Throat) - Great Pyramid-Mt. of Olives

6th chakra (Third Eye) - Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran

7th chakra (Crown) - Mt. Kailas, Tibet.

Rituals to honor and heal the Energy of the Earth

I cannot finish this rather long blog entry with saying a few words how we as humans can work with the earth to heal it. We all know that humanity has abused the resources offered from the earth. The earth is suffering and we can see that with incline of natural catastrophes around the globe. Other than living an environmentally friendly life (you can research how to improve your carbon print for example and definitely reduce the amount of trash, recycle and drive less), you can also energize the earth through various small gestures, meditation, sending healing. Small rituals.

Here are some ideas:
  • Farmers used to literally stomp the earth to wake it up in ancient times. You can say they gave the earth a massage before they planted the crob. Other cultures use dances. This can be real fun. Be aware as you move across the ground as your feet touch and tap. I walked a candlelight labyrinth on Heiligenberg during the summer solstice in 2011. That was magical.
  • Build your own sacred site somewhere out in nature where you feel the energy is strong. Make it the spot where you meditate and connect with the earth and nature, sending healing.
  • Make a vision board with one or more earth chakras and meditate on them to send energy, envision yourself visiting those places and fill them with light.
  • Use a visualization to travel into the center of the earth, bring the earth crystals and flowers and heal it then and there.
  • If you visit a sacred site, leave a small gift from you. It can be a rock with your energy, cornmeal, even a strain of your hair as thank you. 
  • Now get off the computer and go outside and play in nature!! 

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